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API Reference

General considerations

Some API endpoints works both as authenticated endpoints and anonymous endpoints. Although we’ll keep the anonymous endpoints for backward compatibility, we suggest to use the authenticated API to be able to use new features, and to avoid harder rate limits that we may apply to the anonymous requests in the future.


The thumbnail API is used to actually get an image, whether or not we know about it.

This API returns binary images, and should be used within an HTML <img> tag (or anything that expects the URL of an image. Please note that we’re actually setting the HTTP Cache headers on those images, and thus you should hotlink images instead of downloading them. It will ensure your users always get the latest versions, and it will also be best performance-wise.

Thumbnails: Basic usage, anonymous

<img src="[[ ENDPOINT ]]/api/[[ size ]]/[[ url ]]" />

Thumbnails: Basig usage, authenticated

<img src="[[ ENDPOINT ]]/api/[[ apikey ]]/[[ size ]]/[[ url ]]" />

To understand how the authentication works, please have a look at the authentication doc.